World Liver Day 2023: Fatty liver on your face, eyes, and skin 2023
On April 19, World Liver Day raises awareness of liver health and how to maintain it. Liver illnesses sometimes progress without symptoms. Hepatitis A, B, cirrhosis, carcinoma, and NAFLD are more common than ever. According to WHO estimates, new liver cancer cases increased 100% between 1990 and 2017, with two-thirds related to viral hepatitis and 16% to unknown causes, including NAFLD. Fatty liver: 3 simple exercises, 6 lifestyle modifications to reverse liver disease
Liver detoxifies, produces bile for digestion, and regulates metabolism. Thus, liver disease prevention requires organ care. Obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol can be prevented or managed to reduce NAFLD risk.

Millions have fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease can harm liver tissue. “Some signs can indicate fatty liver disease, which is often asymptomatic,”
“Non-alcoholic associated fatty liver disease is now a modern non-communicable pandemic like COVID-19 and a major lifestyle disorder, with major risk factors being sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.” “Unfortunately, not many symptoms or signs are seen on face, skin, or eyes in the initial stages of the disease and by the time signs appear it would have already turned into advanced liver disease,” says Dr. Vinit Shah, Consultant Liver Transplant Physician & Hepatologist at Ruby Hall Clinic.
“Fatty liver rarely appears on the face, eyes, or skin. Some folks show signs. Insulin resistance causes nape of the neck darkening, which is usually linked with fatty liver. Dr. Akash Shukla, Director & Consultant, Department of Hepatology, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, states that skin darkening in the armpits or groins may indicate a fatty liver.
“Excessive chubbiness on the face or body suggests fatty liver. Xanthelasma and xanthomas, whitish streaks around the eyes, face, and skin, suggest elevated cholesterol and triglycerides and are usually invariably associated with fatty liver. “If someone has these signs, they should check for sugar, cholesterol, heart disease, and fatty liver,” says Dr. Shukla.

However, he warns that fatty liver disease can occur without drugs. Thus, anyone with high cholesterol, excessive sugar, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, a family history of fatty liver disease, or heavy alcohol use should be tested for fatty liver.
Dr. Miglani shows fatty liver symptoms on skin, eyes, and cheeks.
Jaundice yellows skin and eyes. The liver cannot remove bilirubin from the blood. Bilirubin is a byproduct of red blood cell breakdown. Healthy persons excrete bilirubin in bile. Instead, liver injury causes jaundice.
Spider Angiomas
Spider angiomas, red blood vessels on the face and neck, are spider-like. Liver illness raises oestrogen levels, causing these. Damaged livers raise oestrogen levels by metabolizing hormones.
Palmar erythema
Palmar erythema causes red palms. Increased palm blood flow can indicate liver illness. Toxic liver buildup may be the cause.
Eye bags
Liver illness often causes dark circles beneath the eyes. When the liver cannot filter toxins from the blood, poisons build up in the body. Dark circles under the eyes, weariness, and weakness can result.
Acne, eczema
Liver disease, which removes pollutants, can cause acne and other skin disorders. When the liver fails, toxins build up in the body, causing acne and other skin issues.
Silent liver disease. It’s a major setback because the patient has no symptoms and the disease progresses slowly. Fatigue, weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, and nausea may occur in certain persons. Advanced liver illness can cause spider-like blood capillaries, jaundice, edema, ascites, and mental disorientation.
Liver function tests and ultrasounds are needed to diagnose patients without symptoms. Dr. Punit Singla, Director & HOD – Liver Transplant & HPB Surgery, Marengo Asia Hospitals Faridabad, says Fibroscan grades fatty liver better.