
Heat stroke? What are warning signs? Call your doctor when? 2023

Sunburn causes heat exhaustion. High heat, humidity, and intense exercise are the causes. Heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke are heat-related disorders.

Heat strokes—why?

Extreme heat prevents the body from cooling. Your hypothalamus governs your core body temperature. It maintains 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). If your body absorbs more heat than it releases, your internal temperature increases above this set-point.

Stage 1- Heat Cramps

Heat-induced salt and water loss causes severe muscle spasms in the hands, calves, and feet. Muscle spasms can stop spontaneously, however soreness can last 24–48 hours.

Stage 2 – Heat Exhaustion

Heat fatigue follows. Heat exhaustion is a dangerous ailment that happens when the body’s core temperature reaches 101-104 degrees Fahrenheit. Headache, low-grade fever, nausea or vomiting, thirst, weakness, muscle discomfort, and decreased urine production are symptoms. Blood pressure drops can cause agitation and fainting.

Stage 3 – Heatstroke

Heat stroke is the final medical emergency. Heat or physical effort causes this potentially lethal disease. Heat stroke occurs when the body’s core temperature hits 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Lack of brain blood supply causes disorientation, reddish dry skin, lack of sweat, dizziness, organ failure, and even convulsions.

Prevention and treatment

Heat exhaustion, which mostly affects the elderly, is preventable. If you suspect heat exhaustion, relax, relocate to a cooler spot, drink cool water, adjust tight or heavy clothing, apply cold compresses, or bathe your head, face, and neck. Spray a body mist and let air cool you quickly. Rehydrate with salty water. If your symptoms worsen, call your doctor.

Heat exhaustion lasts a week. Rest and recuperate. Drink more. Stay cool and workout. Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate with heat exposure. If someone with heat exhaustion becomes disoriented, agitated, unconscious, or unable to drink, call 911. Hospitalization may require anti-seizure medicines and intravenous hydration. After heat stroke, monitor kidney, liver, and urine production. Avoid vigorous exercise for a week.

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