Infertility: Six Lifestyle Factors That Might Raise Your Risk Of Infertility 2023
Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive after a year or more of unprotected sexual activity. Doctors typically define infertility as the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual activity without birth control. Possible causes include low sperm concentrations in men and issues with ovulation in women.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 15 percent of couples worldwide are infertile. Numerous factors, including medical conditions, age, and lifestyle choices, can lead to infertility. In this article, we will examine several lifestyle factors that may contribute to infertility.
Here are six lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your infertility:
Obesity is a significant risk factor for infertility, especially in women. Obesity can disrupt hormone levels and ovulation, making conception more difficult. Obesity can also increase the risk of pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Obesity can result in decreased testosterone levels, diminished sperm quality, and erectile dysfunction in men.
Cigarette smoking is a well-known risk factor for a variety of health issues, including infertility. Smoking can disrupt the DNA of sperm and eggs, resulting in infertility. During pregnancy, it can also impact hormone levels, increase the risk of miscarriage, and harm the developing fetus. Women who smoke may experience menopause sooner than nonsmokers, thereby diminishing their chances of becoming pregnant.
Excessive alcohol consumption
Both men and women can experience damage to their reproductive health from excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol can disrupt the menstrual cycle and decrease fertility in women. In pregnancy, it can also increase the risk of miscarriage and damage the developing fetus. Alcohol can reduce testosterone levels, diminish sperm quality, and induce impotence in men.
Stress is a prevalent aspect of modern life, but it can also contribute to infertility. The disruption of hormone levels, ovulation, and sperm production by stress. It can also diminish a person’s libido and negatively impact the character of the relationship between partners. Reducing tension with techniques like yoga, meditation, or exercise may enhance fertility.
Poor diet
A poor diet can contribute to infertility by interfering with hormone levels and decreasing fertility. High-saturated-fat, high-sugar, and processed-food diets can contribute to obesity and other health issues that can impair fertility. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole cereals, and lean protein can increase fertility.
lack of activity
Physical activity is essential for good health and fertility. Inactivity can lead to obesity, hormonal imbalances, and decreased fertility. Physical activity can assist in regulating hormone levels, reducing tension, and maintaining a healthy weight. However, excessive exercise can be detrimental to fertility, particularly in women, so striking a balance is essential.
In conclusion, there are numerous medical and lifestyle-related causes of infertility. Despite the fact that not all factors can be controlled, adopting a healthy lifestyle can enhance fertility and increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Couples who are having difficulty conceiving should consult a medical professional for further evaluation and treatment options.