
Seniors: Healthy aging requires great commitment 2023

In recent years, the notion of happy aging has gained prominence as a subject of both academic study and practical usefulness. The subject is currently known as healthy and joyful aging. The first criterion is that the aging process must be free of major physical and mental disorders. In order to be independent and able to perform all ‘essential tasks’ on their own, older persons must maintain a healthy physical and mental state due to the global increase in life expectancy due to medical developments.

Importantly, the aging process should be a joyful one. Notwithstanding their physical and mental decline, the elderly should continue to appreciate the journey of life as much as their younger counterparts.

A healthy condition is necessary, but not sufficient, for happiness, as the latter is a result of “mental construct” and “attitude.” So, the aging process must satisfy two major dimensions: it must be both healthy and joyful.

Current Condition:

There has been a significant global emphasis on healthy aging. The United Nations has designated 2021-2030 as the decade of healthy aging, and governments and society are taking all measures to ensure the well-being of older people during this time.

By the establishment of medical and social infrastructure, several governments have implemented plans and policies to ensure the general well-being of the aged. With the establishment of a policy, legal framework, and other measures for the protection of the rights of old people and parents, India is not an exception.

Mindset is crucial:

Our older population must be happy and pleased with life, surroundings, family members, and events; they must feel emotionally linked to the contemporary world. This is possible if two requirements are met: first, a favourable climate is established by society and other stakeholders, and second, seniors are willing to accept the same.

Mental resolve:

  • The entirety of establishing this optimistic outlook on life is significantly influenced by mental fortitude. Many individuals rely on an external force (Supreme Power) to seek this strength. Whether this resolve originates from within or elsewhere, its existence is essential for overcoming life’s challenges.
  • Elders who lack mental fortitude frequently lose composure in the face of a mildly unpleasant situation. The opposite is true for those with a strong will. They can tackle adversity with all of their available strength.
  • Some Methods for Developing Mental Fortitude:
  • Meditation and other mental focus practices strengthen the mind. OM chanting may also be beneficial.
  • Reading the biographies of those who overcame all obstacles and emerged victorious will increase mental power.
  • Connecting with nice, well-intentioned friends helps to fend off negative ideas.
  • Must take deliberate steps to avoid friends, acquaintances, and neighbors who emit bad vibes.
  • Spending time reading spiritual books or visiting neighboring temples may generate a good energy that leads to mental determination.
  • Consistently performing nice deeds without expecting anything in return can enhance the feel-good component that is crucial for mental fortitude.
  • A morning prayer of at least five minutes hoping for all good things to occur and warding off all bad things can enhance mental capacity.

Moving Forward:

It is time for seniors of all ages to have the mental fortitude to withstand the physical and mental difficulties occurring inside and around them. Mental resolve words such as “I am fine,” “I am always fine,” and “Everything is good with me” are the actual remedies for a long and happy life.

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