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MC Board debates Academy expansion 2023

The principal topic of debate was the project’s budget, as the board discussed a resolution to set the expansion’s maximum cost.

The goal of the Academy Expansion project is to expand educational opportunities for Mifflin County students by upgrading the district’s infrastructure and course choices. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $9.7 million, but King and McMonigal wished to reduce the amount to $8.8 million.

King and McMonegal recommended that the school board restrict the project’s cost without explicitly requesting funding. By establishing a maximum cost, the board may give a clear framework for future planning and budget control.

The board can maintain a disciplined approach to managing expenses while providing students with a modern and well-equipped learning environment by limiting the cost of the project.

During the March 23 meeting, where the new maximum Academy project cost will be decided, the resolution is anticipated to be voted on.

The Act 34 Hearing, slated for April 20, is a mandated public hearing that provides the community with the opportunity to learn about the project, ask questions, and give input. The hearing will be a crucial stage in the development of the project. It facilitates communication between the school board, the community, and other interested parties.

Other board-related news:

• Suggest acceptance of the minutes from the 16 February 2023 meeting of the Committee of the Whole.

• Suggest ratification of the board meeting minutes from February 23, 2023.

• Propose first-reading approval of the following draft policies to replace previously enacted board policies with the same number:

The PSBA revised previously accepted policies:

Section 137 – Home Education Programs Participation in Extracurricular Activities by Students in Home Education; Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Students in Home Education. Section 300 – Personnel; 313 – Employee Evaluation; 317 – Conduct/Disciplinary Processes 317.1 – Misconduct by Educators; 318 — Consequences for Being Late; 322 — Presents; 323 — Cigarette Use (PSBA Required); 331 — Job-Related Costs Responsible for Student Welfare, Section 340; 348 — Illegal Harassment with Attachment – Policy Retiring; 351 – Substance Addiction and Drug Abuse; Pre-Employment Drug Abuse Testing Requirement 352

• Suggest acceptance of the subsequent Finance items: Review of Treasurer Reports for the month ending 28 February; Review of the list of bills to be paid; Review of Revenue and Expenditure Summaries; Real Estate and Per Capita Tax Collector Reports; Suggest acceptance of 2022-2023 Budget Transfers; Suggest approval to exclude Kathy Whitsel, Tax Claim Director, from collecting outstanding 2020 real estate taxes on parcel 17,14-0123D,311. Recommend approval of Offer on Repository on property map number 16,20-0623-000.

• Suggest that the Cafeteria Financial Report for February 2023 be approved.

• Seek approval to pay Cafeteria Bills for the month of February 2023.

• Approval is suggested for the following motorists: Michael Legradi (Fisher Brothers) and John Sipe (Fisher Brothers).

• Suggest approving Lauver Brothers Busing, located in Mifflintown, Pennsylvania, to transport Athletic/Activity excursions when our present contractors are unable to. They will receive the same compensation as our existing contractors.

• Recommend permission for an extra three months of Homebound Instruction for student #19-03-19.

• Recommend permission for an extra three months of Homebound Instruction for student #14-13-10.

• Propose permission for transportation and attendance at the biennial PA-TSA State Conference at Seven Springs Mountain Resort from April 19-22, 2023. Nineteen (19) students qualified for the state TSA competition through the regional competition held in January. Mr. Kevin Reigle and Ms. Rebecca Conner will supervise the students. At the event, students will display their academic ability by completing project-based design challenges picked by the students themselves.

Paul Maidens (Chief Operations Officer), Tamara Matthews (Computer Teacher-MCJHS), Tammy Henry (FT Learning Support Paraprofessional-LIS), Phyllis Varner (PT Café-Prep Server-LES), and Kristin Fisher (Library/Computer Teacher-EDES/SMES) are recommended for retirement.

• Approval is suggested for the following resignations: Melissa Weiand (PT Café-Cashier-The Academy); Blake Yoder (Mathematics)

Teacher (MCJHS); Transportation Coordinator (Holly Wertz); Samantha Ritter (FT Autistic Support Paraprofessional-LES).

• Approval is suggested for the following transfers: Nikki Bailey (Learning Support Teacher to Fourth Grade Teacher-LIS), Allison Gerwick (MC Online Teacher (Grades 4-5) to Fourth Grade Teacher-LIS), and Tara Wagner (Temporary Cafeteria Worker-MCSD to Part-Time Café-Cashier-The Academy).

• Suggest approving Luke Strawser’s employment as 210-day Assistant Principal at MCMS.

• Suggested the following coaches for Spring 2023: Madison Holland (volunteer junior high girls’ soccer), Victoria Moon (volunteer junior high girls’ soccer), Abigail Martin (volunteer junior high girls’ soccer), and Levi Harper (volunteer junior high boys’ soccer).

• Recommend approval of the Lease Agreement between St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and Mifflin County School District for the use of land for school-related activities, including, but not limited to, athletic or music classes, athletic activities, band practice, and extracurricular activities related to the school, as well as such other school activities or uses deemed appropriate by Lessee from time to time, and for no other purposes whatsoever for a period of twenty-five (25) years.

• Suggest approval of the following event personnel for the academic year of 22-23.

• Motion to approve the JUUL Laboratories, Inc. settlement as submitted by Special Counsel and to permit the Board President, Board Secretary, and Superintendent to sign the appropriate settlement paperwork.

• Propose adoption of the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11’s $3,485,564 General Operational Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.

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