
Why Do We Enjoy the Films?

Few pastimes are as well-liked as watching movies. Since its inception, movies have played a significant role in our social and personal life, whether you want to watch them on Netflix or on a giant screen. Let’s look into the real factors that make them appealing.

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A Component of Our Development

Asking why we like entertainment is like asking why we enjoy pizza and ice cream. Similar to foods high in fat, sugar, or salt, entertainment activates our most fundamental brain circuits. Even when our ancestors lived in caves, they most likely used stories and artwork to amuse themselves and others around them.

One possible explanation for why humans have fared so well throughout the years is the connection between entertainment and our cognitive neurology. Tales such as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” tapped into our natural capacity to put ourselves in other people’s situations. As a result, we were able to adapt to our surroundings in a way that allowed our species to thrive.

In contrast to DNA transmission, which occurs just once per generation, cultural practices and tales can spread across several generations. Compared to genetic development, the effect of entertainment may spread far more quickly and widely. As a result, in addition to providing us with entertainment, plays, music, novels, and films have helped our species learn how to adapt and survive.

An Alluring Getaway

We use entertainment as an escape from a stressful reality. We may escape from the problems that consume our thoughts and enter a different universe when we watch movies. A love film can help us feel less alone; an action film can raise our pulse rate; and a lighthearted film can make us laugh and feel happy.

We can see the world from a number of various angles thanks to movies. You may be a superhero, a crime leader, or an ant. Our brains are opened to many possibilities and fancies by this cast of characters. We may travel to distant and exotic locations, meet fascinating people, and learn about other cultures by watching movies.

However, our enjoyment of movies is seldom just a way to escape reality. Realistic themes are prevalent in most films. Even post-apocalyptic or disaster films are really about what makes us human. Therefore, we may be drawn to movies more for a better understanding of mankind than for escape from reality.

Inspiration & Representation

Movies may offer significant representation in addition to being a great way to escape. The situations and people in films frequently mirror the prevailing opinions of society as a whole. The world is moving toward diversity as foreign-language films gain popularity and minority artists receive more media.

The 2018 release of “Black Panther” marked a turning point in film history with its proud and intentional portrayal of African culture. Women and Black people were not portrayed as sidekicks, thugs, villains, or accessories. They possessed qualities that are evidently true in real life but aren’t well depicted on screen: strength, intelligence, kindness, and power.

This portrayal was motivating for the youngsters and teens in attendance as well as for people of color who had been marginalized in many facets of society. The same is true for films depicting homosexual couples, single mothers, impoverished immigrants, or rowdy seniors. They are reminded that they are important when they are viewed and focused in an open and constructive manner.

There is no denying that developments on the big screen serve as a trigger for similar changes in the real world, regardless of whether we think that life imitates art or that art imitates reality. We are given hope that we are creating a society where people of color and minority groups are recognized, valued, and celebrated as our cinema screens continue to become more inclusive and diversified.

Fantasy Realized

We love movies so much that the actors who play the lead roles are often become famous. This is reminiscent of the prehistoric era, when it was believed that the characters in mythological tales retained certain characteristics of the spirits or gods they were portraying. We still treat performers as cultural heroes and give them fantastical avatars nowadays.

In human culture, the worship of personality is nothing new. Actors meticulously craft their roles to be either incredibly appealing or intriguingly flawed. Therefore, it is understandable why so many people continue to adore the performers long after the film has ended.

Fandom has no negative repercussions until you are on the verge of obsession. Actually, you can enjoy a performer’s films more if you’re a fan of them. Just having well-known stars on the bill makes a lot of films successful at the box office. With all of life’s horrors, a little eye candy shouldn’t be resented.

Watching a movie is enjoyable. They remind us that the world is much larger and more intriguing than we realize and pull us away from our daily routines. Movies have the power to make the ordinary magical or to inspire us to act heroically. We adore them because of this.